Clanton, Alabama

Tag Renewal

All vehicles in Alabama are personal property. The tax on this property is paid in advance from time of registration until your renewal month.

To expedite tag renewal, county residents must provide one of the following items: renewal notice, previous year’s tag registration or tag number. If you are a new Dallas County residents, you should provide proof of residency for Dallas County and one of the following items: renewal notice from the previous Alabama county or previous year’s tag receipt or Alabama title of the vehicle for which registration is needed.


After the vehicle has been registered, the annual renewal month for your tag is as follows:

Renewal MonthFirst Letter of Last Name
JanuaryA & D
MarchC & E
AprilF, G & N
MayH & O
JuneM & I
JulyP & L
AugustJ, K & R
SeptemberQ, S & T
OctoberU, V, W, X, Y & Z
October/NovemberNational Guard, Commercial & Fleet Vehicles